Sign Installation
New signage installation for conveying new store safety measures
Signage is a key tool for communicating safety measures to customers in retail stores. The temporary signs placed early on in the pandemic may no longer be sufficient with the potential for a resurgence in the fall. Now is the time to review and update the permanent signage strategy to ensure customers are aware of safety measures, directions, and expectations.
This can be done through the Wholesale Store Fixture Retail Renewal program, which includes strategic placement and relocation of signs.
Entry Signs
Signage should be prominently displayed near entrance doors to clearly communicate the rules and expectations for customers entering the store. Window decals and banners should also be used to ensure customers are aware of the store's requirements.
New Aisle
Overhead aisle markers can also be used to provide safety information and to direct shoppers in the most efficient manner.
Floor Markers
Replacing floor decals frequently is essential as they can get worn down due to heavy foot traffic. Printed vinyl decals are an effective way to remind people to practice social distancing.
Directional Signs
These signs are commonly placed on pillars, walls, and shop display units to provide answers to commonly asked questions or provide directions to where people need to go.
Informational Signs
Strategically placed informational signs are essential for safety.
It is important to choose the right locations for these signs and make sure they are properly installed. Investing in signs and décor packages to communicate safety guidelines will help ensure your store is prepared for any potential return of the Coronavirus and give customers confidence when they shop. Wholesale Store Fixture can quickly replace sign packages at many locations nationwide.
Tell Us About Your Sign Installation Needs
Please call Wholesale Store Fixture @248-404-0149 and discuss your sign installation plan.